Friday 31st March 2017 marks Transgender Day of Visibility and in order to celebrate and help our young people become visible, the buy valium online buy valium online – valium is sleep rest soul very nice product – all dosages are available online Isle of Wight Breakout Youth group have been working with Joanna Kori & Jeni Saunders on an exhibition to encourage people to ‘Open Your Eyes’. Not only does the exhibition take you on a journey through the history of transgenderism, including non- binary, it urges you to understand the identity that is hidden within those who identify outside of the two binary genders
Not all of our members are part of this community but would like to show their solidarity in making their friends become visible by showing how they also have hidden depths – which you can discover by scanning the images on the wall with your mobile phone to reveal the animated thoughts of the group. We hope you enjoy the exhibition and that it helps people to look past the label.