A week to go until Southampton Pride on 24th August 2019

Southampton will be hosting their fourth annual Pride event this year in Guildhall Square on Saturday 24th August. The event is made possible largely due to the ongoing sponsorship from cruise operators Cunard & P&O (their parent company Carnival UK  have their head office in the city). The event is also supported by both of the cities Universities, the City Council and Ikea to name just a few!

This year will see Breakout exhibiting in the Guildhall itself again, so if you would like to find out more about the Charity or how you might be able to support the work we do in Southampton and across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight – please come see us!

According to their website “Southampton Pride is the fastest growing pride in the South. Each year our community events, activities and fundraisers get bigger and bigger. In addition to this, the Pride event in August attracts celebrities from all over the UK making it a major fundraising event and celebration.”

The Parade begins from Above Bar Street, Southampton at 2pm, here is the planned route.

For more info on the event click here or visit their facebook page here.



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